Hand reflexology: the headache-break hand massage.

Hand reflexology: the headache-break hand massage.

‘The headache-break hand massage’ is a reflexology technique useful for healing migraine!

Olivia Rosewood has described how a simple hand reflexology technique can help to heal a serious headache or migrane attack.

Learn how to give yourself a healing handshake!

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) describes that a certain spot on the hand corresponds to the adrenal glands, of which the function is to clear blockages from this glands’ energy circuit, and as a results: bringing life force to these often overworked treasures.

Olivia Rosewood – author of spiritual book – says:

“To give yourself a break from a headache or even just a bit more zip in your doo-da, find the most tender spot between your thumb and forefinger. Use your other thumb and forefinger to pinch this spot from the top and palm of your hand (see the right picture above), the way you might pinch a penny should there be a world-wide financial crisis. Take a few deep breaths, and release this spot when you have an indication that you have unblocked this energy point: usually your pain subsides.”

Read the full article + more about healing headaches with reflexology:

The headache-break hand massage: a simple reflexology technique
Hand reflexology can deliver a ‘calming touch’
Reflexology & massage : the ‘healing touch’
Research: reflexology & palmtherapy provide relief for headaches & migraine

Chinese palmistry: medical palm reading from China.

Chinese palmistry: medical palm reading from China.

Chinese Palmistry: medical Palm Reading & traditional chinese medicine (TCM) from China

In China is Palmistry always been a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). According TCM Palmistry the palm, the thumb and the fingernails provide interesting clues about your heart, your digestion and reproductive system.

An article including: the history of palmistry in China & the 4 pilars of ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine’ (TCM).

Traditional Chinese medicine doctors say they can study your palm and learn about the state of your heart, healthwise. The color (pink is healthy), appearance of blue veins and lunula (white crescent at the base of the fingernail) all are indicators of health in TCM. Health problems can show up in your hands, palms and fingernails and if you read the warning signs, you can improve your constitution.

Dr Ma Xueling, a TCM folk doctor from Shang Hai provides some guidelines for medical palm reading on the basis of your fingernails, your veins & the color of your hand.

Chinese palmistry: palm reading from China.

TCM Palmistry: traditional Chinese palm reading
Palmistry: find a palm reading expert in China
Palmistry goes medical: traditional Indian palm reading
Richard Unger’s LIFEPRINTS: translated into Korean language
Find a palmist in 15 Asian countries

Palm reading goes medical

August 16, 2008

Palmistry - the length of the life line

Palmistry goes medical



Space scientist talks about Palm Reading

Kumar, 42, is a scientist at the Indian Space Research Organization in Bangalore, India. Twelve years ago, a palm reader told him by looking at the palm of his hand that he would become a palm reader himself.

Palm reading goes medical

It was a prediction that really embarrassed Kumar, he said in an e-mail, but that ended up igniting his interest in palm reading reading. He spent years reading books and learning about this science and ended up opening his own practice.There, Kumar said, he observed many hands and was able to detect similarities in the palm linese of people living with certain type of diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. This led to his visit to the Regional Cancer Center where he studied the palm lines of about 160 patients with cancer. According to Kumar’s observations, most of them had the same lines.”It made me think of another matter”, said Kumar. “If this disease is detected in the primary stage itself, it is quite curable. Then why can’t we get precaution against this fatal disease through finding the palm line symptoms? Really, this notion opened before me the endless and eventful vista of medical palm reading.”

Medical Palm Reading around the world

The general definition of palm reading is the study of the hand lines to predict the future, assess personalities and provide counseling. Medical palm reading on the other hand, looks at the hand’s lines, shape and texture to detect abnormalities that will help diagnose physical and mental diseases.

For centuries, Chinese and Indian medicine has recognized the link between palmistry and good health. Abnormalities such as vertical ridges on the fingernails, or a life line that’s faint in color, can represent a diagnosis for all sorts of illnesses from intestinal problems to heart disease. The Catholic Church, for its part, has always branded palm reading as devil worship and forced it underground.

So far however, this science is still far from being accepted in the West. According to Kenneth Lagerstrom, a professional palmist and founder of a website on the human hand, in North America “the palms of the hands are sometimes called ‘no man’s land’ because it’s expected that no self-respecting medical professional will deal with palmistry.”

Another reason for the West’s reluctance to recognize medical palm reading as a reliable diagnosis tool is the lack of belief in what is considered by many here as an “occult science,” Lagerstrom said. In addition, he blames his fellow practitioners themselves for all the uncertainties still surrounding medical palm reading.

“In my opinion,” he said, “more than 95 percent of them are either dangerously incompetent or outright fraudulent. Very few seek details that can be scientifically or medically verified, preferring instead to make their readings either fortune-telling or ‘spiritual.’”


Palmistry psychology